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ICCS Scientific Advisory Committee


Home About Scientific Advisory Committee  Katie Paul Friedman, Ph.D.

Katie Paul Friedman, Ph.D.

Katie Paul Friedman, Ph.D.

Supervisory Computational Toxicologist

Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Dr. Katie Paul Friedman is a Supervisory Toxicologist for the Computational Toxicology and Bioinformatics Branch in the Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure in the Office of Research and Development at the US EPA. Her research focuses on application of new approach methodologies to chemical safety assessment, with additional interests in variability in alternative and traditional toxicity information, endocrine bioactivity and developmental neurotoxicity prediction, and in vitro kinetics. One of her roles in the Center is to run the ToxCast program. Previously, Dr. Paul Friedman worked as a regulatory toxicologist at Bayer CropScience. She has been actively involved in multi-stakeholder projects to develop adverse outcome pathways, alternative testing approaches, and the regulatory acceptance of new approach methodologies, including through technical leadership at Federal Advisory Committee reviews and consortia including the Accelerating the Pace of Chemical Risk Assessment. Her laboratory background includes development of high-throughput screening assays and the use of in vitro and in vivo approaches to investigate the human relevance of thyroid and metabolic adverse outcome pathways. Dr. Paul Friedman received a Ph.D. in Toxicology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has authored >50 peer-reviewed publications.

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