ICCS - International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety

ICCS Announces Donna Macmillan, Ph.D., Is Joining ICCS as Director, Education and Regulatory Engagement

December 18, 2023

A woman with blonde hair is wearing a black shirt and a necklace.

Donna Macmillan, Ph.D., Director, Education and Regulatory Engagement

We are pleased to announce that Donna Macmillan, Ph.D., will join ICCS as Director, Education and Regulatory Engagement. In this new role, she will work to develop strategies and the associated work plans to achieve the goals of education and regulatory acceptance for animal-free safety assessments.

She is the former Senior Principal Strategist, Regulatory Science, Humane Society International. Prior to that role, she has worked as a Principal Scientist at a leading in silico software organisation sharing her expertise in non-animal skin sensitization and skin/eye irritation safety assessment as well as a medicinal chemist at a pharmaceutical manufacturer. She has led sub-groups within several multi-stakeholder collaborations, including OECD and CIAO. She is published in several scientific journals.

Donna holds a Ph.D. in Organic Medicinal Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Glad to have you on the team, Donna

ICCS Announcement
November 22, 2024
Register now! ICCS, in collaboration with Universidade Federal de Goiás Faculty of Pharmacy (FF/UFG) and Tox In Laboratory of Education and Research in In Vitro Toxicology will be presenting the third webinar in the monthly series, “Updates on New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Applied to Human and Environmental Safety.” This free webinar will be presented in Spanish, on December 18, 14:00 Brasília/Brazil time or 11:00 Mexico City/Mexico and focus on Human Safety. Speakers: Nicole Kleinstreuer, Director of NICEATM, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), presenting “(R)evolution in validation” María Laura Gutiérrez, Researcher at Laboratorio de Métodos Alternativos - Facultad de Medicina - UBA/ CONICET, presenting “Advances in Ocular Toxicity: Implementation of Validated Methods and Development of Innovative Approaches” Moderated by: Argel Islas-Robles (Institute for In Vitro Sciences, Inc.) Experts and non-experts on NAMs from academia, industry, and regulatory agencies are welcome to join. 
ICCS Announcement
November 18, 2024
Donna Macmillan, Director, Education and Regulatory Engagement, ICCS has been invited to present, “An introduction to NGRA and selected case studies” as part of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE).
ICCS Announcement
November 6, 2024
Save the date! ICCS, collaborating with Universidade Federal de Goiás Faculty of Pharmacy (FF/UFG) and Tox In Laboratory of Education and Research in In Vitro Toxicology, will be presenting a free webinar serie, “Updates on New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Applied to Human and Environmental Safety,” provided in Portuguese or Spanish.
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