ICCS - International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety

  External Exposure:  Closing Data Gaps in Parameters for Inhalation Exposure Assessment


  • Systematic data creation for several exposure parameters (e.g. particle size, airborne fraction, quantity of use) for different product types, covering available technologies and brands on the market
  • Develop approach for justification of the choice of box model (1-box model vs. 2-box model) for different spray product types, e.g. by investigations on the distribution of the spray cloud in a room after spraying
  • Gather data on habits and practices on daily use amounts (and duration of exposure) for product types lacking data

Project Details

Human Health External Exposure Working Group

Project Leads:

  • Fanny Boisleve, Chanel
  • Gerlinde Pappa, Beiersdorf

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