ICCS - International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety

  Systemic Toxicity:  Landscape Analysis in Support of ICCS Prioritization of Activities in Systemic Toxicity for Human Safety Assessments


This landscape analysis will focus on describing existing efforts, and highlighting gaps, challenges, and opportunities associated with human-relevant models of systemic toxicity. The intent is to provide sufficient coverage of the landscape to both address pragmatic, near term needs, as well as direct impact of shaping the future of how safety assessments are performed. In keeping with the mission of ICCS to advance animal-free approaches, In Vitro , In Silico , and In Chemico NAMs will be the primary focus. To increase both speed and efficiency, a reproducible workflow will be built using multiple computational tools including generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to quickly summarize a large literature database. An iterative approach will couple subject matter expertise with computational tools such as generative artificial intelligence to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the science for NAMs used for (or potentially useful for) the assessment of systemic toxicity of cosmetics. Importantly, the landscape will be conducted to identify NAMs that are applicable to the variety of cosmetics regulatory needs, from hazard-focused endpoints to exposure-based waiving of studies altogether. 

Project Details

Higher Tier Evaluation Working Group

Project Leads:

  • Predrag Kukic, Unilever
  • Dave Allen, ICCS
  • Catherine Mahony, P&G

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