September 25, 2024
ICCS, collaborating with Universidade Federal de Goiás Faculty of Pharmacy (FF/UFG) and Tox In Laboratory of Education and Research in
In Vitro Toxicology, will be presenting a free webinar serie, “Updates on New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Applied to Human and Environmental Safety,” provided in Portuguese or Spanish.
Starting in October, this
In Vitro Science Webinar Serie will cover topics ranging from NGRA, PBPK modeling, validation, (Q)SARs, and legislative changes in Latin America. With legislation related to the banning of animal testing for cosmetics increasing in the region, this serie aims to increase confidence in the use of NAMs and promote their application for human and environmental safety.
Experts and non-experts on NAMs from academia, industry, and regulatory industries are welcome to join.
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